Monday, July 13, 2020

Servicing of the Telefunken Opus 7

After using the Telefunken Opus 7 for several weeks, I have decided to send it to Sifu for servicing. After all, ths unit was produced in 1967/7 and since everything is original, there will be a need to replace some of the caps.

Initially, I have contacted a sifu from the Review33 but he has wanted $700 for checking and minimum $3000 for complete service which is very expensive. Fortunately, I have managed to find a good sifu that is highly recommended by collectors, Mr Leung.

After sending the radio to him on the 3rd July, the Radio is at its final inspection stage. It should be ready in a few days time. Sp glad that I am able to get it completely serviced at a reasonable price.

Mini JVC wood cone speakers EX-NW1

I have always wanted a  Mini JVC wood cone speakers EX-NW1